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Meet the Executive Council


Andrew Davis

A current sophomore majoring in Sports Administration with a minor in Coaching Education, Andrew is on the Club Lacrosse team and previously served as the chapter's historian.

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Alejandro Herrera

A current sophomore majoring in Business Administrations the Morehead Cain is a member of Consult Your Community, UNC Reynolds Investment Fund and Scholars of Finance.

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Preston Aldridge

A current sophomore majoring in Business, Preston is apart of Future Business Leaders of America and UNC Consulting Club.

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Gavin Zhu

A current sophomore majoring in Business Administration and Computer Science with a minor in Journalism, Gavin is a part of the Daily Tar Heel Board of Directors and Scholars of Finance.

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Peyton Wilkins

A current junior majoring in Economics with minors in Naval Science and Conflict Management, Peyton in a member of the Naval ROTC and UNC Club Baseball team.

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Jacob Blanton

A current sophomore majoring in Biology and Exercise & Sports Science, Jacob loves to play basketball in his free time and plans to attend optometry school after graduation.


Michael Novak

A current junior majoring in Neuroscience with a minor in Chemistry, Michael plans to do research after completing his undergraduate. Michael has previously served as the chapter's Warden.

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Thomas Garofolo

A current sophomore majoring in Biology with a minor in Chemistry, Tommy is a member of Tribeta, Consulting Club and Business Healthcare Club.


Standards Chair

Stephen Versace

A current sophomore majoring in both Biology and Philosophy with a minor in Chemistry,, in his free time Stephen volunteers at the UNC hospital. He plans to attend medical school after his undergraduate studies.

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Philanthropy Chair

Guillermo Estrada

A current first-year majoring in Advertising and Public Relations, the Morehead-Cain Scholar is a proud member of the UNC Student Alumni Association.

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House Manager

Ryan Andresen

A current sophomore majoring in Business Administration with a minor in Information Systems, Ryan is a member of Finance Society, Marketing Club and Club Golf.

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Risk Manager

Joshua Phelps

A current sophomore majoring in Business Administration, Josh serves on the Board for the Student Alumni Association.

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Brotherhood Chair

Luke Hutchinson

A current junior majoring in Journalism and Economics with a minor In Health Marketing, Luke sees himself working in professional sports or healthcare after college.

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